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S02E11 – Supreme Court Rules President is Like a King – Could He Assassinate Rivals?

Podcasts You can find this episode, along with all others, anyplace fine podcasts are sold.  Below, are the links for this episode on both Apple Podcasts as well as Spotify.  You can view all podcast platforms from my home page. Apple Podcast Spotify Podcast Welcome to another episode of the Cross Examiner Rocket Docket, where you are the judge. In this urgent episode, our host, an atheist attorney, dives into the recent Supreme Court decision in Trump v. US. The ruling has profound implications, suggesting that a president could be immune from prosecution for actions taken under core constitutional powers,

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S02E10 – How To Defeat Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law: Interview with Attorney Sam Grover Podcasts You can find this episode, along with all others, anyplace fine podcasts are sold.  Below, are the links for this episode on both Apple Podcasts as well as Spotify.  You can view all podcast platforms from my home page. Apple Podcast Spotify Podcast In the latest episode of the Cross Examiner podcast, we delve into a contentious legal battle that has significant implications for the separation of church and state in the United States. Our host, an attorney and atheist, interviews Sam Grover, Senior Counsel for Litigation at the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), to discuss their lawsuit

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TCE Rocket Docket S02E09 – Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law: A Threat to the First Amendment?

In today’s Rocket Docket episode, our host, The Cross Examiner, addresses a concerning new development: Louisiana’s mandate to display the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom. This controversial decision, signed into law by the governor, has sparked a heated debate about its constitutionality. Our host delves into the history of the First Amendment, examining key cases such as Reynolds v. United States, Abington School District v. Schempp, and the landmark Stone v. Graham decision, which directly parallels the current situation in Louisiana. He also discusses the significant impact of the “McConnell Court” and the troubling rise of Christian nationalism.

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S02E08 – Interview With Latter-daily Digest

Welcome to the Cross Examiner Podcast, the Internet’s courtroom in the case of rationality versus religion. Here, our host uses his experience as both an attorney and an atheist to put religion on trial. We solemnly swear that it is the most informative, educational, and entertaining jury duty you will ever do. In today’s episode, our host, The Cross Examiner, shares a special treat: an interview conducted by Latter-daily Digest. This channel focuses on content creation within the Mormon blogosphere. The Cross Examiner discusses his journey, the origins of his podcast, and the importance of critical thinking in today’s society.

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S02E07 – Unveiling Mormon Secrets with Dr. John Dehlin – Part 2

In the latest episode of the Cross Examiner podcast, we delve into the fascinating journey of Dr. John Dehlin, host of the Mormon Stories podcast. Dr. Dehlin, an ex-Mormon, has dedicated his career to exposing the truths behind Mormon practices and helping others navigate their own faith crises. This episode is a continuation of our in-depth conversation with him, exploring the psychological and social impacts of religious indoctrination, the rise of Christian nationalism, and the role of misinformation. Dr. Dehlin’s journey is both compelling and relatable. Raised as a sixth-generation Mormon, he was taught to obey and follow the church’s

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S02E06 – Unveiling Mormon Secrets with Dr. John Dehlin – Part 1

Welcome to the Cross Examiner Podcast, the Internet’s courtroom in the case of rationality versus religion. Here, our host uses his experience as both an attorney and an atheist to put religion on trial. We solemnly swear that it is the most informative, educational, and entertaining jury duty you will ever do. In today’s episode, our host delves into the fascinating and complex history of the Mormon church with special guest Dr. John Dehlin, host of the Mormon Stories podcast. ( Together, they explore the origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the controversial practices of its

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TCE Rocket Docket S02E05 – Trump Guilty Of 34 Felonies!

In a groundbreaking and unprecedented move, Donald J. Trump has become the first former president of the United States to be convicted on 34 felony counts. This landmark case has generated intense debate and scrutiny from all corners of the political spectrum. In our latest episode, we provide an unscripted, in-depth analysis of the trial, the evidence presented, and the explosive reactions from political figures and pundits. Was this a fair trial or a political witch hunt? We break down the arguments, the constitutional guarantees of a fair trial, and the process of jury selection. We also explore the broader

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S02E04 – Common Ground 2 – Homeopath Part 3

Welcome to the Cross Examiner Podcast, the Internet’s courtroom in the case of rationality versus religion. Our host, a seasoned attorney and outspoken atheist, takes on the rise of Christian nationalism and the misinformation fueling it. This episode is the third part of our series on homeopathy, where we delve into the pseudo-scientific practices and the alarming lack of regulation surrounding it. In this episode, our host recounts the history of homeopathy, from its inception by Samuel Hahnemann in the 1790s to its current status as a legally recognized “drug” under the FDA. He explains the dubious principles behind homeopathy,

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TCE Rocket Docket S02E03 – Louisiana To Require 10 Commandments In All Public School Classrooms!

Unbelievably, we now live in a world where a State will mandate that al public school classrooms MUST have a large copy of the ten Commandments on their walls.  I am arranging for guest attorneys to analyze this with me in a full episode, but today, I explain why this is a ten alarm fire when it comes to the separation of government and religion in the United States. Automated Transcript Speaker A: Welcome to another episode of the Cross Examiner Rocket Docket, where you are the judge here. We brief you on the news of the day so that

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S02E02 – Common Ground 2 – Homeopath Part 2

I continue the discussion of homeopathy as I ingest 240 pain relief pills all at once!  I then contact the Poison Control Center to find out what to do about my overdose. Automated Transcript The Cross Examiner Podcast S02E02 – Sweet Deception: The Sugar-Coated Lies of Homeopathy Speaker A: Hm. Did you hear about the homeopathic addict? Yeah. Unfortunately, he underdosed. Speaker B: Welcome to the Cross examiner podcast, the Internet’s courtroom in the case of rationality versus religion. Here our host uses his experience as both an attorney and an atheist to put religion on trial. We solemnly

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S02E01 – Common Ground 2 – Homeopath Part 1

For the start of Season 2, I wanted to address homeopathy and, more generally, alternative medicine.  In order to understand how insane it is that these substances are still marketed and purchased in large numbers, I set the stage by telling the story of a person hero of mine: a doctor who saved countless lives and, in the process, paved the way for the modern FDA. Washington Post reporting of the sulfanilamide disaster: Automated Transcript Cross examiner podcast tackles rationality versus religion in the case of Internet courtroom >> Speaker A: For my second season, I was going to

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E13 – Why We Care (Part 2)

I have been on vacation for several weeks but I am glad to be back!  The next in my series of episodes devoted to answer religious folks who ask atheists, “If you don’t believe in God, why do you care so much?”  I review several current news topics that demonstrate “Why We Care.” Topics in this episode include: Moms for Liberty (aka “Klanned Karenhood”) quote Hitler  and disrupt moment of silence in memory of Holocaust victims. Missionary rapes his daughter, but does the story go deeper? Tommy Tuberville approves of White Nationalists in the military and says they aren’t racist,

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E12 – Kenneth Copeland Says George Washington Spoke to Jesus?

In what was GOING to be a Rocket Docket episode but ended up being a full episode, we discuss how Kenneth Copeland is lying to the world about pretty much everything.  In this particular case, he is lying about George Washington and his inauguration! LINKS The Video I Analyze Of Copeland Lying Congressional Record re: St Paul’s Service Congressional Record of First “Action” of Congress “When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped In The Flag And Carrying A Bible” Automated Transcript Speaker A: A genie tells a man he has three wishes. The man immediately asks for a

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TCE Rocket Docket S01E11 – Pastor Wants Christian Suicide Bombers

I am starting a new type of segment called “The Rocket Docket.”  These will be shorter episodes discussing news of the day. Today, we listen to far-right Nashville pastor Kent Christmas tell his followers that they should be willing to “die for their beliefs” just like Muslim suicide bombers who “strap bombs to their chests.”  I am not exaggerating. Automated Transcript Speaker A: Welcome to the Cross examiner podcast, the Internet’s courtroom in the case of rationality versus religion. Here, our host uses his experience as both an attorney and an atheist to put religion on trial. We solemnly swear

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E10 – Meese Reborn (Or “What’s up with the Trump Indictment?”)

What do Edwin Meese and the (latest) Trump indictment have in common?  The answer may surprise you! In this episode, I read an unpublished essay of mine from 2020 that has suddenly become relevant again due to Trump’s latest indictment.  Fair warning, you will find no ranting about religion in this episode.  Instead I focus on my theme of people in power spreading misinformation about the legal system and government in order to deceive the public. Link to Hitchens Demolishing Meese: Experts Agree! Meese Is A Pig Experts Agree! Trump Is A Pig Automated Transcript Speaker A: What’s the

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E09 – Interview w/ Ryan Jayne of The Freedom From Religion Foundation (Pt 2)

I am super excited to be able to bring you this interview with Ryan Jayne of the Freedom From Religion Foundation!  (  Thank you to Ryan for giving me so much of his time to help educate both my listeners as well as me on the great work that FFRF does in the fight against religious intrusion into our secular government.  Please support them any way that you can! In this part of the interview, we focus on faith healing in the United States and how it is killing children. RYAN’S BIO: Ryan is Senior Policy Counsel for FFRF’s Strategic

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E08 – Interview w/ Ryan Jayne of The Freedom From Religion Foundation (Pt 1)

I am super excited to be able to bring you this interview with Ryan Jayne of the Freedom From Religion Foundation!  (  Thank you to Ryan for giving me so much of his time to help educate both my listeners as well as me on the great work that FFRF does in the fight against religious intrusion into our secular government.  Please support them any way that you can!RYAN’S BIO:Ryan is Senior Policy Counsel for FFRF’s Strategic Response team. He received a B.A. in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Honors College in 2007. After graduating, Ryan taught piano and

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E07 – Faith Healing (Part 3) History Of Child Abuse And Rights

I review the history of child abuse, both religious-based abuse as well as secular abuse.  Starting with the disturbing global practice of “foundation sacrifices” and running through modern times, I describe how the rights of children have not improved that much since before the United States was formed with respect to being protected from their parents’ abusive religious practices.  I discuss why politicians refused to help these children and urge attorneys to seek out cases where we can rescue these children and start to fix the damage done by notorious Christian Scientists in the Nixon administration. Automated Transcript Speaker A:

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E06 – Texas Attacks The Constitution

Texas is attacking the United States Constitution!  In this episode, I follow-up on my appearance this week on The Non-Prophets  Episode 22.21 (May 28, 2023)  presented by The Atheist Community of Austin (ACA).  In that episode, I discuss multiple news items with my fellow hosts, Cynthia, Jimmy Jr. and Helen Greene.   Here, I dive deep into the discussion surrounding three Texas bills: Hiring chaplains to work in public schools; Mandating period of prayer and Bible reading in public schools; and Mandating the posting of the Ten Commandments. Automated Transcript Speaker A A man in an interrogation room says, I’m not saying a word

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E05 – Faith Healing (Part 2) Does Prayer Work?

Next in our series on faith healing, we examine the efficacy of prayer.   Does it work?  If not, then why does the Bible say it does? If all the science shows that it does not work, then why do people believe that it does? The “Tank” Men’s Conference at James River Church   Automated Transcript Two lawyers are in a store when two armed robbers burst in and yell, Stick em up. As the robbers move from customer to customer, stealing their money and jewelry, the first lawyer shoves something into the other lawyer’s hand. What’s this? The second lawyer

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E04 – Faith Healing (Part 1) Show Me the Toes!

On this episode, The Cross Examiner experiences a miracle that, if it is legit, would be the most incredible miracle of all time! Show Me The Toes!   Automated Transcript How is arguing with a lawyer like wrestling with a pig in mud? • • • • • • Sooner or later, you realize they like it. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Speaker B Welcome to the Cross examiner podcast, the Internet’s courtroom in the

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E03 – Why We Care (Part 1)

In this episode, I am trying something new.  I will review several news topics I came across while researching my next deep dive episode in an attempt to explain “Why We Care.” Topics include: 1)      Why Atheist Care 2)      Donald Trump Indictment 3)      Disney Fools DeSantis 4)      Baby Dies Of Herpes Contacted From Orthodox Circumcision Ritual 5)      GOP Rep Says They Won’t Fix Gun Problems, We Better Pray 6)      Lauren Boebert Quotes Bible All The Time, But Using It To Reflect On Her Own Family Would Be “Nitpicking”

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E02 – Montana Bill Could Ban All Science Classes

The Cross Examiner podcast reviews Montana Senate Bill No. 235 which will ban the teaching of scientific theories to schoolchildren in Montana and COULD ban all science classes. Montana Senate Bill 235 Sen. Emrich’s Speech Dr. Martin Luther King Reading his Letter from a Birmingham Jail     Automated Transcript Speaker A A man who had just arrived in hell spotted a lawyer and a beautiful woman having sex. The man complained to the devil exclaiming, hey, I have to roast for all eternity, but that lawyer gets to have sex with a gorgeous woman. The devil replied, who are

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The Cross Examiner Podcast S01E01 – Common Ground

The premiere episode of The Cross Examiner Podcast. Before I jump into religion and government issues, I spend my first episode trying to find a case we can all agree on. Visit my site for the latest legal and religious news and analysis: Available as a podcast on all podcast platforms! Images of Stella Liebeck’s injuries.  WARNING – NSFW!     Automated Transcript   Speaker A What’s the difference between an accountant and a lawyer? Answer • • • accountants know they’re boring. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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